All Functions and Procedures

Name Unit Description

Converts beats per minute to seconds.


Converts beats per second to seconds.


Returns True if the event type is not a builtin event type, i.e.


Makes an event type identifier, which is a 32-bit integer.


Converts milliseconds to seconds.


Converts microseconds to seconds.

al_acknowledge_drawing_halt allegro5

Call this in response to the ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_HALT_DRAWING event.

al_acknowledge_drawing_resume allegro5

Call this in response to the event.

al_acknowledge_resize allegro5

When the user receives a resize event (ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_RESIZE from a resizable display, if they wish the display to be resized they must call this function to let the graphics driver know that it can now resize the display.

al_add_config_comment allegro5

Adds a comment in a section of a configuration.

al_add_config_section allegro5

Adds a section to a configuration structure with the given name.

al_add_new_bitmap_flag allegro5

A convenience function which does the same as

al_set_new_bitmap_flags (al_get_new_bitmap_flags OR flag);

al_add_timer_count allegro5

Add diff to the timer's counter value.

al_apply_window_constraints allegro5

Enables or disables previously set constraints by al_set_window_constraints function.

al_attach_audio_stream_to_mixer al5audio

Attaches an audio stream to a mixer.

al_attach_audio_stream_to_voice al5audio

Attaches an audio stream to a voice.

al_attach_mixer_to_mixer al5audio

Attaches the mixer passed as the first argument onto the mixer passed as the second argument.

al_attach_mixer_to_voice al5audio

Attaches a mixer to a voice.

al_attach_sample_instance_to_mixer al5audio

Attaches a sample instance to a mixer.

al_attach_sample_instance_to_voice al5audio

Attaches a sample instance to a voice, and allows it to play.

al_attach_shader_source allegro5

Attaches the shader's source code to the shader object and compiles it.

al_attach_shader_source_file allegro5

Like al_attach_shader_source but reads the source code for the shader from the named file.

al_build_camera_transform allegro5

Builds a transformation which can be used to transform 3D coordinates in world space to camera space.

al_build_shader allegro5

This is required before the shader can be used with al_use_shader.

al_build_transform allegro5

Builds a transformation given some parameters.

al_calculate_arc al5primitives

When thickness <= 0 this function computes positions of num_points regularly spaced points on an elliptical arc.

al_calculate_arc_ex al5primitives

Same than al_calculate_arc but using a pointer instead of an array.

al_calculate_ribbon al5primitives

Calculates a ribbon given an array of points.

al_calculate_spline al5primitives

Calculates a Bézier spline given 4 control points.

al_calloc allegro5

Like GetMem, reserves memory enough to store c elements of n bytes each on heap and returns a pointer to this memory.

al_calloc_with_context allegro5

This reserves memory for the Allegro library (this matters on Windows), unless overridden with al_set_memory_interface.

al_check_inverse allegro5

Checks if the transformation has an inverse using the supplied tolerance.

al_clear_depth_buffer allegro5

Clears the depth buffer (confined by the clipping rectangle) to the given value.

al_clear_keyboard_state allegro5

Clears the state of the keyboard, emitting ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_UP for each currently pressed key.

al_clear_to_color allegro5

Clears the complete target bitmap, but confined by the clipping rectangle.

al_clipboard_has_text allegro5

This function returns true if and only if the clipboard has text available.

al_clone_bitmap allegro5

Creates a new bitmap with al_create_bitmap, and copyes the pixel data from the old bitmap across.

al_close_video al5video

Closes the video and frees all allocated resources.

al_color_cmyk al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR structure from CMYK values (cyan, magenta, yellow, black).

al_color_cmyk_to_rgb al5color

Converts CMYK values to RGB values.

al_color_distance_ciede2000 al5color

This function computes the CIEDE2000 color difference between two RGB colors.

al_color_hsl al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR structure from HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) values.

al_color_hsl_to_rgb al5color

Converts values in HSL color model to RGB color model.

al_color_hsv al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR structure from HSV (hue, saturation, value) values.

al_color_hsv_to_rgb al5color

Converts values in HSV color model to RGB color model.

al_color_html al5color

Interprets an HTML-style hex number (e.g.

al_color_html_to_rgb al5color

Interprets an HTML-style hex number (e.g.

al_color_lab al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR structure from CIE L*a*b* values.

al_color_lab_to_rgb al5color

Converts CIE L*a*b* color values to RGB color space.

al_color_lch al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR structure from CIE LCH values.

al_color_lch_to_rgb al5color

Converts CIE LCH color values to RGB color space.

al_color_linear al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR structure from linear sRGB values.

al_color_linear_to_rgb al5color

Converts linear sRGB color values to gamma corrected (i.e.

al_color_name al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR with the given name.

al_color_name_to_rgb al5color

Given a name, returns the RGB triplet.

al_color_oklab al5color


al_color_oklab_to_rgb al5color


al_color_rgb_to_cmyk al5color

Each RGB color can be represented in CMYK with a K component of 0 with the following formula:

C = 1 - R
M = 1 - G
Y = 1 - B
K = 0

This function will instead find the representation with the maximal value for K and minimal color components.

al_color_rgb_to_hsl al5color

Given an RGB triplet with components in the range 0..1, returns the hue in degrees from 0..360 and saturation and lightness in the range 0..1.

al_color_rgb_to_hsv al5color

Given an RGB triplet with components in the range 0..1, returns the hue in degrees from 0..360 and saturation and value in the range 0..1.

al_color_rgb_to_html al5color

Creates an HTML-style string representation of an RGB triplet, e.g.

al_color_rgb_to_lab al5color

Converts RGB values to L*a*b color space.

al_color_rgb_to_lch al5color

Convert RGB values to CIE LCH color space.

al_color_rgb_to_linear al5color

Converts gamma corrected sRGB values (i.e.

al_color_rgb_to_name al5color

Given an RGB triplet with components in the range 0..1, find a color name describing it approximately.

al_color_rgb_to_oklab al5color


al_color_rgb_to_xyy al5color

Converts RGB values to xyY color space.

al_color_rgb_to_xyz al5color

Converts RGB values to XYZ color space.

al_color_rgb_to_yuv al5color

Converts RGB values to YUV color space.

al_color_xyy al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR structure from xyY values.

al_color_xyy_to_rgb al5color

Converts xyY color values to RGB color space.

al_color_xyz al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR structure from XYZ values.

al_color_xyz_to_rgb al5color

Converts XYZ color values to RGB color space.

al_color_yuv al5color

Returns an ALLEGRO_COLOR structure from YUV values.

al_color_yuv_to_rgb al5color

Converts YUV color values to RGB color space.

al_compose_transform allegro5

Composes (combine) two transformations by a matrix multiplication.

al_convert_bitmap allegro5

Converts the bitmap to the current bitmap flags and format.

al_convert_mask_to_alpha allegro5

Converts the given mask color to an alpha channel in the bitmap.

al_convert_memory_bitmaps allegro5

If you create a bitmap when there is no current display (for example because you have not called al_create_display in the current thread) and are using the ALLEGRO_CONVERT_BITMAP bitmap flag (which is set by default) then the bitmap will be created successfully, but as a memory bitmap.

al_copy_transform allegro5

Makes a copy of a transformation.

al_create_audio_recorder al5audio

Creates an audio recorder using the system's default recording device.

al_create_audio_stream al5audio


al_create_bitmap allegro5

Creates a new bitmap using the bitmap format and flags for the current thread.

al_create_builtin_font al5font

Creates a monochrome bitmap font (8x8 pixels per character).

al_create_config allegro5

Creates an empty configuration structure.

al_create_display allegro5

Creates a display, or window, with the specified dimensions.

al_create_event_queue allegro5

Creates a new, empty event queue.

al_create_file_handle allegro5

Creates an empty, opened file handle with some abstract user data.

al_create_index_buffer al5primitives

Creates an index buffer.

al_create_mixer al5audio

Creates a mixer to attach sample instances, audio streams, or other mixers to.

al_create_mouse_cursor allegro5

Creates a mouse cursor from the bitmap provided.

al_create_sample al5audio

Creates a sample data structure from the supplied buffer.

al_create_sample_instance al5audio

Creates a sample instance, using the supplied sample data.

al_create_shader allegro5

Creates a shader object.

al_create_sub_bitmap allegro5

Creates a sub-bitmap of the parent, at the specified coordinates and of the specified size.

al_create_timer allegro5

Allocates and initializes a timer.

al_create_vertex_buffer al5primitives

Creates a vertex buffer.

al_create_vertex_buffer_ex al5primitives

Extended version of al_create_vertex_buffer that allows to define your own vertex type.

al_create_vertex_decl al5primitives

Creates a vertex declaration, which describes a custom vertex format.

al_create_voice al5audio

Creates a voice structure and allocates a voice from the digital sound driver.

al_cstr al5strings

Gets a AL_STRptr pointer to the data in a string.

al_cstr_dup al5strings

Creates a NUL ($00) terminated copy of the string.

al_destroy_audio_recorder al5audio

Destroys the audio recorder and frees all resources associated with it.

al_destroy_audio_stream al5audio

Destroys an audio stream which was created with al_create_audio_stream or al_load_audio_stream.

al_destroy_bitmap allegro5

Destroys the given bitmap, freeing all resources used by it.

al_destroy_config allegro5

Frees the resources used by a configuration structure.

al_destroy_display allegro5

Destroys a display.

al_destroy_event_queue allegro5

Destroys the event queue specified.

al_destroy_font al5font

Frees the memory being used by a font structure.

al_destroy_index_buffer al5primitives

Destroys an index buffer.

al_destroy_mixer al5audio

Destroys the mixer.

al_destroy_mouse_cursor allegro5

Frees the memory used by the given cursor.

al_destroy_sample al5audio

Frees the sample data structure.

al_destroy_sample_instance al5audio

Detaches the sample instance from anything it may be attached to and frees it (the sample data, i.e.

al_destroy_shader allegro5

Destroy a shader.

al_destroy_timer allegro5

Uninstalls the timer specified.

al_destroy_user_event_source allegro5

Destroys an event source initialised with al_init_user_event_source.

al_destroy_vertex_buffer al5primitives

Destroys a vertex buffer.

al_destroy_vertex_decl al5primitives

Destroys a vertex declaration.

al_destroy_voice al5audio

Destroys the voice and deallocates it from the digital driver.

al_detach_audio_stream al5audio

Detaches the stream from whatever it's attached to, if anything.

al_detach_mixer al5audio

Detach the mixer from whatever it is attached to, if anything.

al_detach_sample_instance al5audio

Detachs the sample instance from whatever it's attached to, if anything.

al_detach_voice al5audio

Detaches the mixer, sample instance or audio stream from the voice.

al_do_multiline_text al5font

This function processes the text and splits it into lines as al_draw_multiline_text would, and then calls the callback cb once for every line.

al_do_multiline_ustr al5font

Like al_do_multiline_text, but using ALLEGRO_USTR instead of a STRING for text.

al_drain_audio_stream al5audio

You should call this to finalise an audio stream that you will no longer be feeding, to wait for all pending buffers to finish playing.

al_draw_arc al5primitives

Draws an arc.

al_draw_bitmap allegro5

Draws an unscaled, unrotated bitmap at the given position to the current target bitmap.

al_draw_bitmap_region allegro5

Draws a region of the given bitmap to the target bitmap.

al_draw_circle al5primitives

Draws an outlined circle.

al_draw_ellipse al5primitives

Draws an outlined ellipse.

al_draw_elliptical_arc al5primitives

Draws an elliptical arc.

al_draw_filled_circle al5primitives

Draws a filled circle.

al_draw_filled_ellipse al5primitives

Draws a filled ellipse.

al_draw_filled_pieslice al5primitives

Draws a filled pieslice (filled circular sector).

al_draw_filled_polygon al5primitives

Draw a filled, simple polygon.

al_draw_filled_polygon_with_holes al5primitives

Draws a filled simple polygon with zero or more other simple polygons subtracted from it - the holes.

al_draw_filled_rectangle al5primitives

Draws a filled rectangle.

al_draw_filled_rounded_rectangle al5primitives

Draws a filled rounded rectangle.

al_draw_filled_triangle al5primitives

Draws a filled triangle.

al_draw_glyph al5font

Draws the glyph that corresponds with codepoint in the given color using the given font.

al_draw_indexed_buffer al5primitives

Draws a subset of the passed vertex buffer.

al_draw_indexed_prim al5primitives

Draws a subset of the passed vertex array.

al_draw_indexed_prim_ex al5primitives

Extended version of al_draw_indexed_prim that allows to define your own vertex type.

al_draw_justified_text al5font

Like al_draw_text, but justifies the string to the region x1-x2.

al_draw_justified_textf al5font

Formatted text output, using a Format style format string.

al_draw_justified_ustr al5font

Like al_draw_justified_text, except the text is passed as an ALLEGRO_USTR instead of a STRING.

al_draw_line al5primitives

Draws a line segment between two points.

al_draw_multiline_text al5font

Like al_draw_text, but this function supports drawing multiple lines of text.

al_draw_multiline_textf al5font

Formatted text output, using a Format style format string.

al_draw_multiline_ustr al5font

Like al_draw_multiline_text, except the text is passed as an ALLEGRO_USTR instead of a STRING.

al_draw_pieslice al5primitives

Draws a pieslice (outlined circular sector).

al_draw_pixel allegro5

Draws a single pixel at {x, y}.

al_draw_polygon al5primitives

Draws an unfilled polygon.

al_draw_polyline al5primitives

Draws a series of line segments.

al_draw_polyline_ex al5primitives

An extended version of al_draw_polyline.

al_draw_prim al5primitives

Draws a subset of the passed vertex array.

al_draw_prim_ex al5primitives

Extended version of al_draw_prim that allows to define your own vertex type.

al_draw_rectangle al5primitives

Draws an outlined rectangle.

al_draw_ribbon al5primitives

Draws a ribbon given an array of points.

al_draw_rotated_bitmap allegro5

Draws a rotated version of the given bitmap to the target bitmap.

al_draw_rounded_rectangle al5primitives

Draws an outlined rounded rectangle.

al_draw_scaled_bitmap allegro5

Draws a scaled version of the given bitmap to the target bitmap.

al_draw_scaled_rotated_bitmap allegro5

Like al_draw_rotated_bitmap, but can also scale the bitmap.

al_draw_soft_line al5primitives

Draws a line using the software rasterizer and user supplied pixel functions.

al_draw_soft_triangle al5primitives

Draws a triangle using the software rasterizer and user supplied pixel functions.

al_draw_spline al5primitives

Draws a Bézier spline given 4 control points.

al_draw_text al5font

Writes the string str onto the target bitmap at position x, y, using the specified font.

al_draw_textf al5font

Formatted text output, using a Format style format string.

al_draw_tinted_bitmap allegro5

Like al_draw_bitmap but multiplies all colors in the bitmap with the given color.

al_draw_tinted_bitmap_region allegro5

Like al_draw_bitmap_region but multiplies all colors in the bitmap with the given color.

al_draw_tinted_rotated_bitmap allegro5

Like al_draw_rotated_bitmap but multiplies all colors in the bitmap with the given color.

al_draw_tinted_scaled_bitmap allegro5

Like al_draw_scaled_bitmap but multiplies all colors in the bitmap with the given color.

al_draw_tinted_scaled_rotated_bitmap allegro5

Like al_draw_scaled_rotated_bitmap but multiplies all colors in the bitmap with the given color.

al_draw_tinted_scaled_rotated_bitmap_region allegro5

Like al_draw_tinted_scaled_rotated_bitmap but you specify an area within the bitmap to be drawn.

al_draw_triangle al5primitives

al_draw_ustr al5font

Like al_draw_text, except the text is passed as an ALLEGRO_USTR instead of a STRING.

al_draw_vertex_buffer al5primitives

Draws a subset of the passed vertex buffer.

al_drop_next_event allegro5

Drops (removes) the next event from the queue.

al_emit_user_event allegro5

Emits an event from a user event source.

al_fclearerr allegro5

Clears the error indicator for the given file.

al_fclose allegro5

Closes the given file, writing any buffered output data (if any).

al_feof allegro5

Returns True if the end-of-file indicator has been set on the file, i.e.

al_ferrmsg allegro5

Returns a message string with details about the last error that occurred on the given file handle.

al_ferror allegro5

Returns non-zero if the error indicator is set on the given file, i.e.

al_fflush allegro5

Flushes any pending writes to the given file.

al_fgetc allegro5

Reads and returns next byte in the given file.

al_fgets allegro5

Reads a string of bytes terminated with a newline or end-of-file into the buffer given.

al_fget_ustr allegro5

Read a string of bytes terminated with a newline or end-of-file.

al_fill_silence al5audio

Fills a buffer with silence, for the given format and channel configuration.

al_fixacos allegro5

This function finds the inverse cosine of a value using a lookup table.

al_fixadd allegro5

Safe function to add fixed point numbers clamping overflow.

al_fixasin allegro5

This function finds the inverse sine of a value using a lookup table.

al_fixatan allegro5

This function finds the inverse tangent of a value using a lookup table.

al_fixatan2 allegro5

Computes the arc tangent of y / x, but the signs of both arguments are used to determine the quadrant of the result, and x is permitted to be zero.

al_fixceil allegro5

Returns the smallest integer not less than x.

al_fixcos allegro5

This function finds the cosine of a value using a lookup table.

al_fixdiv allegro5

A fixed point value can be divided by an integer with the normal / operator.

al_fixfloor allegro5

Returns the greatest integer not greater than x.

al_fixhypot allegro5

Fixed point hypotenuse (returns the square root of `x*x + y*y').

al_fixmul allegro5

A fixed point value can be multiplied or divided by an integer with the normal * and / operators.

al_fixsin allegro5

This function finds the sine of a value using a lookup table.

al_fixsqrt allegro5

This finds out the non negative square root of `x'.

al_fixsub allegro5

Safe function to subtract fixed point numbers clamping underflow.

al_fixtan allegro5

This function finds the tangent of a value using a lookup table.

al_fixtof allegro5

Converts fixed point to floating point.

al_fixtoi allegro5

Converts fixed point to integer, rounding as required to the nearest integer.

al_fixtrunc allegro5

Returns the integer part of x, which is alwais smaller than (or equal to) X in absolute value.

al_flip_display allegro5

Copies or updates the front and back buffers so that what has been drawn previously on the currently selected display becomes visible on screen.

al_flush_event_queue allegro5

Drops all events, if any, from the queue.

al_fopen allegro5

Creates and opens a file (real or virtual) given the path and mode.

al_fopen_interface allegro5

Opens a file using the specified interface, instead of the interface set with al_set_new_file_interface.

al_fopen_slice allegro5

Opens a slice (subset) of an already open random access file as if it were a stand alone file.

al_fputc allegro5

Writes a single byte to the given file.

al_fputs allegro5

Writes a string to file.

al_fread allegro5

Reads size bytes into the buffer pointed to by ptr, from the given file.

al_fread16be allegro5

Reads a 16-bit word in big-endian format (MSB first).

al_fread16le allegro5

Reads a 16-bit word in little-endian format (LSB first).

al_fread32be allegro5

Reads a 32-bit word in big-endian format (MSB first).

al_fread32le allegro5

Reads a 32-bit word in little-endian format (LSB first).

al_free allegro5

Like FreeMem, releases the memory occupied by pointer p.

al_free_with_context allegro5

This releases the memory reserved by the Allegro library (this matters on Windows), unless overridden with al_set_memory_interface.

al_fseek allegro5

Sets the current position of the given file to a position relative to that specified by whence, plus offset number of bytes.

al_fsize allegro5

Returns the size of the file, if it can be determined, or -1 otherwise.

al_ftell allegro5

Returns the current position in the given file, or -1 on error.

al_ftofix allegro5

Converts a floating point value to fixed point.

al_fungetc allegro5

Ungets a single byte from a file.

al_fwrite allegro5

Write size bytes from the buffer pointed to by ptr into the given file.

al_fwrite16be allegro5

Writes a 16-bit word in big-endian format (MSB first).

al_fwrite16le allegro5

Writes a 16-bit word in little-endian format (LSB first).

al_fwrite32be allegro5

Writes a 32-bit word in big-endian format (MSB first).

al_fwrite32le allegro5

Writes a 32-bit word in little-endian format (LSB first).

al_get_allegro_acodec_version al5acodec

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

al_get_allegro_audio_version al5audio

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

al_get_allegro_color_version al5color

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

al_get_allegro_font_version al5font

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

al_get_allegro_image_version al5image

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

al_get_allegro_memfile_version al5memfile

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

al_get_allegro_primitives_version al5primitives

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

al_get_allegro_ttf_version al5ttf

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

al_get_allegro_version allegro5

Returns the compiled version of the Allegro library (i.e.

al_get_allegro_video_version al5video

Returns the (compiled) version of the addon, in the same format as al_get_allegro_version.

al_get_audio_depth_size al5audio

Returns the size of a sample, in bytes, for the given format.

al_get_audio_device_name al5audio

Gets the user friendly display name of the device.

al_get_audio_output_device al5audio

Gets the output audio device of the specified index.

al_get_audio_recorder_event al5audio

Returns the event as an ALLEGRO_AUDIO_RECORDER_EVENT.

al_get_audio_recorder_event_source al5audio

Returns the event source for the recorder that generates the various recording events.

al_get_audio_stream_attached al5audio

Returns whether the stream is attached to something.

al_get_audio_stream_channels al5audio

Returns the stream channel configuration.

al_get_audio_stream_depth al5audio

Returns the stream audio depth.

al_get_audio_stream_event_source al5audio

Retrieves the associated event source.

al_get_audio_stream_fragment al5audio

When using Allegro's audio streaming, you will use this function to continuously provide new sample data to a stream.

al_get_audio_stream_fragments al5audio

Returns the number of fragments this stream uses.

al_get_audio_stream_frequency al5audio

Returns the stream frequency (in Hz).

al_get_audio_stream_gain al5audio

Returns the playback gain of the stream.

al_get_audio_stream_length al5audio

Returns the stream length in samples.

al_get_audio_stream_length_secs al5audio

Returns the length of the stream in seconds, if known.

al_get_audio_stream_pan al5audio

Gets the pan value of the stream.

al_get_audio_stream_played_samples al5audio

Gets the number of samples consumed by the parent since the audio stream was started.

al_get_audio_stream_playing al5audio

Returns True if the stream is playing.

al_get_audio_stream_playmode al5audio

Returns the playback mode of the stream.

al_get_audio_stream_position_secs al5audio

Returns the position of the stream in seconds.

al_get_audio_stream_speed al5audio

Returns the relative playback speed of the stream.

al_get_available_audio_stream_fragments al5audio

Returns the number of available fragments in the stream, that is, fragments which are not currently filled with data for playback.

al_get_backbuffer allegro5

Returns a special bitmap representing the back-buffer of the display.

al_get_bitmap_flags allegro5

Returns the flags user to create the bitmap.

al_get_bitmap_format allegro5

Returns the pixel format of a bitmap.

al_get_bitmap_height allegro5

Returns the height of a bitmap in pixels.

al_get_bitmap_width allegro5

Returns the width of a bitmap in pixels.

al_get_bitmap_x allegro5

For a sub-bitmap, returns it's x position within the parent.

al_get_bitmap_y allegro5

For a sub-bitmap, returns it's y position within the parent.

al_get_blender allegro5

Returns the active blender for the current thread.

al_get_blend_color allegro5

Returns the color currently used for constant color blending (white by default).

al_get_channel_count al5audio

Returns the number of channels for the given channel configuration, which is one of the values listed under ALLEGRO_CHANNEL_CONF.

al_get_clipboard_text allegro5

This function returns a pointer to a string, allocated with al_malloc with the text contents of the clipboard if available.

al_get_clipping_rectangle allegro5

Gets the clipping rectangle of the target bitmap.

al_get_config_value allegro5

Gets a pointer to an internal character buffer that will only remain valid as long as the ALLEGRO_CONFIGptr structure is not destroyed.

al_get_cpu_count allegro5

Returns the number of CPU cores that the system Allegro is running on has and which could be detected, or a negative number if detection failed.

al_get_current_display allegro5

Returns the display that is "current" for the calling thread, or Nil if there is none.

al_get_current_inverse_transform allegro5

Returns the inverse of the current transformation of the target bitmap.

al_get_current_projection_transform allegro5

(void) Returns a pointer to the current projection transformation.

al_get_current_transform allegro5

Returns the transformation of the current target bitmap, as set by al_use_transform.

al_get_default_mixer al5audio

Returns the default mixer, or Nil if one has not been set.

al_get_default_shader_source allegro5

Returns a string containing the source code to Allegro's default vertex or pixel shader appropriate for the passed platform.

al_get_default_voice al5audio

Returns the default voice or Nil if there is none.

al_get_display_event_source allegro5

Retrieves the associated event source.

al_get_display_flags allegro5

Gets the flags of the display.

al_get_display_format allegro5

Gets pixel format of the display.

al_get_display_height allegro5

Gets the height of the display.

al_get_display_mode allegro5

Retrieves a fullscreen mode.

al_get_display_option allegro5

Returns an extra display setting of the display.

al_get_display_orientation allegro5

Return the display orientation, which can be one of the following:








al_get_display_refresh_rate allegro5

Gets the refresh rate of the display.

al_get_display_width allegro5

Gets the width of the display.

al_get_errno allegro5

Some Allegro functions will set an error number as well as returning an error code.

al_get_event_source_data allegro5

Returns the abstract user data associated with the event source.

al_get_fallback_font al5font

Retrieves the fallback font for this font or Nil.

al_get_file_userdata allegro5

Returns a pointer to the custom userdata that is attached to the file handle.

al_get_font_ascent al5font

Returns the ascent of the specified font.

al_get_font_descent al5font

Returns the descent of the specified font.

al_get_font_line_height al5font

Returns the usual height of a line of text in the specified font.

al_get_font_ranges al5font

Gets information about all glyphs contained in a font, as a list of ranges.

al_get_glyph_advance al5font

This function returns by how much the x position should be advanced for left to right text drawing when the glyph that corresponds to codepoint1 has been drawn, and the glyph that corresponds to codepoint2 will be the next to be drawn.

al_get_glyph_dimensions al5font

Sometimes, the al_get_glyph_width or al_get_glyph_advance functions are not enough for exact glyph placement, so this function returns some additional information, particularly if you want to draw the font vertically.

al_get_glyph_width al5font

This function returns the width in pixels of the glyph that corresponds with codepoint in the font font.

al_get_index_buffer_size al5primitives

Returns the size of the index buffer

al_get_joystick allegro5

Gets a handle for a joystick on the system.

al_get_joystick_active allegro5

Returns if the joystick handle is "active", i.e.

al_get_joystick_axis_name allegro5

Returns the name of the given axis.

al_get_joystick_button_name allegro5

Returns the name of the given button.

al_get_joystick_event_source allegro5

Retrieves the global joystick event source.

al_get_joystick_name allegro5

Returns the name of the given joystick.

al_get_joystick_num_axes allegro5

Returns the number of axes on the given "stick".

al_get_joystick_num_buttons allegro5

Returns the number of buttons on the joystick.

al_get_joystick_num_sticks allegro5

Returns the number of "sticks" on the given joystick.

al_get_joystick_state allegro5

Gets the current joystick state.

al_get_joystick_stick_flags allegro5

Returns the flags of the given "stick".

al_get_joystick_stick_name allegro5

Returns the name of the given "stick".

al_get_keyboard_event_source allegro5

Retrieves the keyboard event source.

al_get_keyboard_state allegro5

Saves the state of the keyboard specified at the time the function is called into ret_state.

al_get_mixer_attached al5audio

Returns True if the mixer is attached to something.

al_get_mixer_channels al5audio

Returns the mixer channel configuration.

al_get_mixer_depth al5audio

Returns the mixer audio depth.

al_get_mixer_frequency al5audio

Returns the mixer frequency (in Hz).

al_get_mixer_gain al5audio

Returns the mixer gain (amplification factor).

al_get_mixer_playing al5audio

Returns True if the mixer is playing.

al_get_mixer_quality al5audio

Returns the mixer quality.

al_get_monitor_dpi allegro5


al_get_monitor_info allegro5

Gets information about a monitor's position on the desktop.

al_get_mouse_cursor_position allegro5

On platforms where this information is available, this function returns the global location of the mouse cursor, relative to the desktop.

al_get_mouse_event_source allegro5

Retrieve the mouse event source.

al_get_mouse_num_axes allegro5

Returns the number of axes on the mouse.

al_get_mouse_num_buttons allegro5

Returns the number of buttons on the mouse.

al_get_mouse_state allegro5

Saves the state of the mouse specified at the time the function is called into ret_state.

al_get_mouse_state_axis allegro5

Extracts the mouse axis value from the saved state.

al_get_mouse_wheel_precision allegro5

Gets the precision of the mouse wheel (the z and w coordinates).

al_get_new_bitmap_flags allegro5

Returns the format used for newly created bitmaps.

al_get_new_bitmap_format allegro5

Returns the format used for newly created bitmaps.

al_get_new_display_adapter allegro5

Gets the video adapter index where new displays will be created by the calling thread, if previously set with al_set_new_display_adapter.

al_get_new_display_flags allegro5

Gets the display flags to be used when creating new displays on the calling thread.

al_get_new_display_option allegro5

Retrieves an extra display setting which was previously set with al_set_new_display_option.

al_get_new_display_refresh_rate allegro5

Gets the requested refresh rate to be used when creating new displays on the calling thread.

al_get_new_file_interface allegro5

Returns a pointer to the ALLEGRO_FILE_INTERFACE table in effect for the calling thread.

al_get_new_window_position allegro5

Gets the position where new non-fullscreen displays created by the calling thread will be placed.

al_get_new_window_title allegro5

Returns the title that will be used when a new display is created.

al_get_next_event allegro5

Takes the next event out of the event queue specified, and copy the contents into ret_event, returning True.

al_get_num_audio_output_devices al5audio

Gets the number of available audio output devices on the system.

al_get_num_display_modes allegro5

Gets the number of available fullscreen display modes for the current set of display parameters.

al_get_num_joysticks allegro5

Returns the number of joysticks currently on the system (or potentially on the system).

al_get_num_video_adapters allegro5

Gets the number of video "adapters" attached to the computer.

al_get_opengl_fbo al5opengl

Returns the OpenGL FBO id internally used by the given bitmap if it uses one, otherwise returns zero.

al_get_opengl_proc_address al5opengl

Helper to get the address of an OpenGL symbol.

al_get_opengl_program_object al5opengl

Returns the OpenGL program object associated with this shader, if the platform is ALLEGRO_SHADER_GLSL.

al_get_opengl_texture al5opengl

Returns the OpenGL texture id internally used by the given bitmap if it uses one, else 0.

al_get_opengl_texture_position al5opengl

Returns the u/v coordinates for the top/left corner of the bitmap within the used texture, in pixels.

al_get_opengl_texture_size al5opengl

Retrieves the size of the texture used for the bitmap.

al_get_opengl_variant al5opengl

Returns the variant or type of OpenGL used on the running platform.

al_get_opengl_version al5opengl

Returns the OpenGL or OpenGL ES version number of the client (the computer the program is running on), for the current display.

al_get_parent_bitmap allegro5

Returns the bitmap this bitmap is a sub-bitmap of.

al_get_pixel allegro5

Gets a pixel's color value from the specified bitmap.

al_get_pixel_block_height allegro5

Returns the height of the pixel block of this format.

al_get_pixel_block_size allegro5

Returns the number of bytes that a block of pixels with this format occupies.

al_get_pixel_block_width allegro5

Returns the width of the pixel block of this format.

al_get_pixel_format_bits allegro5

Returns the number of bits that a pixel of the given format occupies.

al_get_pixel_size allegro5

Returns the number of bytes that a pixel of the given format occupies.

al_get_ram_size allegro5

Returns the size in MB of the random access memory that the system Allegro is running on has and which could be detected, or a negative number if detection failed.

al_get_sample al5audio

Returns the sample data that the sample instance plays.

al_get_sample_channels al5audio

Returns the channel configuration of the sample.

al_get_sample_data al5audio

Returns a pointer to the raw sample data.

al_get_sample_depth al5audio

Returns the audio depth of the sample.

al_get_sample_frequency al5audio

Returns the frequency (in Hz) of the sample.

al_get_sample_instance_attached al5audio

Returns whether the sample instance is attached to something.

al_get_sample_instance_channels al5audio

Returns the channel configuration of the sample instance's sample data.

al_get_sample_instance_depth al5audio

Returns the audio depth of the sample instance's sample data.

al_get_sample_instance_frequency al5audio

Returns the frequency (in Hz) of the sample instance's sample data.

al_get_sample_instance_gain al5audio

Returns the playback gain of the sample instance.

al_get_sample_instance_length al5audio

Returns the length of the sample instance in sample values.

al_get_sample_instance_pan al5audio

Gets the pan value of the sample instance.

al_get_sample_instance_playing al5audio

Returns True if the sample instance is in the playing state.

al_get_sample_instance_playmode al5audio

Returns the playback mode of the sample instance.

al_get_sample_instance_position al5audio

Gets the playback position of a sample instance.

al_get_sample_instance_speed al5audio

Returns the relative playback speed of the sample instance.

al_get_sample_instance_time al5audio

Returns the length of the sample instance in seconds, assuming a playback speed of 1.0.

al_get_sample_length al5audio

Returns the length of the sample in sample values.

al_get_separate_blender allegro5

Returns the active blender for the current thread.

al_get_shader_log allegro5

Returns a read-only string containing the information log for a shader program.

al_get_shader_platform allegro5

Returns the platform the shader was created with (either ALLEGRO_SHADER_HLSL or ALLEGRO_SHADER_GLSL).

al_get_system_config allegro5

(void) Returns the system configuration structure.

al_get_system_id allegro5

Returns the platform that Allegro is running on.

al_get_target_bitmap allegro5

Returns the target bitmap of the calling thread.

al_get_text_dimensions al5font

Sometimes, the al_get_text_width and al_get_font_line_height functions are not enough for exact text placement, so this function returns some additional information.

al_get_text_width al5font

Calculates the length of a string in a particular font, in pixels.

al_get_time allegro5

Returns the number of seconds since the Allegro library was initialised.

al_get_timer_count allegro5

Returns the timer's counter value.

al_get_timer_event_source allegro5

Retrieves the associated event source.

al_get_timer_speed allegro5

Returns the timer's speed, in seconds.

al_get_timer_started allegro5

Returns True if the timer specified is currently started.

al_get_ustr_dimensions al5font

Like al_get_text_dimensions, except the text is passed as an ALLEGRO_USTR instead of STRING.

al_get_ustr_width al5font

Like al_get_text_width but expects an ALLEGRO_USTR.

al_get_vertex_buffer_size al5primitives

Returns the size of the vertex buffer.

al_get_video_audio_rate al5video

Returns the audio rate of the video, in Hz.

al_get_video_event_source al5video

Gets an event source for the video.

al_get_video_fps al5video

Returns the speed of the video in frames per second.

al_get_video_frame al5video

Returns the current video frame.

al_get_video_position al5video

Returns the current position of the video stream in seconds since the beginning.

al_get_video_scaled_height al5video

Returns the height with which the video frame should be drawn.

al_get_video_scaled_width al5video

Returns the width with which the video frame should be drawn.

al_get_voice_channels al5audio

Returns the channel configuration of the voice.

al_get_voice_depth al5audio

Returns the audio depth of the voice.

al_get_voice_frequency al5audio

Returns the frequency of the voice (in Hz), e.g.

al_get_voice_playing al5audio

Returns True if the voice is currently playing.

al_get_voice_position al5audio

When the voice has a non-streaming object attached to it, e.g.

al_get_window_constraints allegro5

Gets the constraints for a non-fullscreen resizable display.

al_get_window_position allegro5

Gets the position of a non-fullscreen display.

al_grab_font_from_bitmap al5font

Creates a new font from an Allegro bitmap.

al_grab_mouse allegro5

Confines the mouse cursor to the given display.

al_have_opengl_extension al5opengl

This function is a helper to determine whether an OpenGL extension is available on the given display or not.

al_hide_mouse_cursor allegro5

Hides the mouse cursor in the given display.

al_hold_bitmap_drawing allegro5

Enables or disables deferred bitmap drawing.

al_horizontal_shear_transform allegro5

(ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM* trans, float theta) Applies a horizontal shear to the transform

AL_ID allegro5

This function can be used to create a packed 32 bit integer from 8 bit characters, on both 32 and 64 bit machines.

al_identify_bitmap allegro5

This works exactly as al_identify_bitmap_f but you specify the filename of the file for which to detect the type and not a file handle.

al_identify_bitmap_f allegro5

Tries to guess the bitmap file type of the given file by reading the first few bytes.

al_identify_sample al5audio

This works exactly as al_identify_sample_f but you specify the filename of the file for which to detect the type and not a file handle.

al_identify_sample_f al5audio

Tries to guess the audio file type of the open ALLEGRO_FILEptr by reading the first few bytes.

al_identity_transform allegro5

Sets the transformation to be the identity transformation.

al_inhibit_screensaver allegro5

This function allows the user to stop the system screensaver from starting up if True is passed, or resets the system back to the default state (the state at program start) if False is passed.

al_init allegro5

Like al_install_system, but automatically passes in the version and Nil as atexit_ptr:


It is typically wrong to call al_init anywhere except the final game binary.

al_init_acodec_addon al5acodec

This procedure registers all the known audio file type handlers for al_load_sample, al_save_sample, al_load_audio_stream, etc.

al_init_font_addon al5font

Initialises the font addon.

al_init_image_addon al5image

Initializes the image addon.

al_init_primitives_addon al5primitives

Initializes the primitives addon.

al_init_timeout allegro5

Sets timeout value of some number of seconds after the function call.

al_init_ttf_addon al5ttf

Initializes the TTF addon.

al_init_user_event_source allegro5

Initialices an event source for emitting user events.

al_init_video_addon al5video

Initializes the video addon.

al_install_audio al5audio

Installs the audio subsystem.

al_install_joystick allegro5

Installs a joystick driver, returning True if successful.

al_install_keyboard allegro5

Installs a keyboard driver.

al_install_mouse allegro5

Installs mouse driver.

al_install_system allegro5

Initializes the Allegro system.

al_invert_transform allegro5

Inverts the passed transformation.

al_is_audio_installed al5audio

Returns True if al_install_audio was called previously and returned successfully.

al_is_audio_recorder_recording al5audio

Returns True if the audio recorder is currently capturing data and generating events.

al_is_bitmap_drawing_held allegro5

Returns whether the deferred bitmap drawing mode is turned on or off.

al_is_bitmap_locked allegro5

Returns whether or not a bitmap is already locked.

al_is_color_valid al5color

Checks if all components of the color are between 0 and 1.

al_is_compatible_bitmap allegro5

D3D and OpenGL allow sharing a texture in a way so it can be used for multiple windows.

al_is_event_queue_empty allegro5

Returns True if the event queue specified is currently empty.

al_is_event_queue_paused allegro5

Returns True if the event queue is paused.

al_is_event_source_registered allegro5

Returns True if the event source is registered.

al_is_font_addon_initialized al5font

Returns True if the font addon is is initialized, otherwise returns false.

al_is_image_addon_initialized al5image

Returns True if the image addon is is initialized, otherwise returns false.

al_is_joystick_installed allegro5

Returns True if al_install_joystick was called successfully.

al_is_keyboard_installed allegro5

Returns True if al_install_keyboard was called successfully.

al_is_mouse_installed allegro5

Returns True if al_install_mouse was called successfully.

al_is_primitives_addon_initialized al5primitives

Returns True if the primitives addon is is initialized, otherwise returns false.

al_is_sub_bitmap allegro5

Returns true if the specified bitmap is a sub-bitmap, false otherwise.

al_is_system_installed allegro5

Returns True if Allegro is initialized, otherwise returns False.

al_is_video_playing al5video

Returns True if the video is currently playing.

al_itofix allegro5

Converts an integer to fixed point.

al_keycode_to_name allegro5

Converts the given keycode to a description of the key.

al_key_down allegro5

Returns True if the key specified was held down in the state specified.

al_load_audio_stream al5audio

Loads an audio file from disk as it is needed.

al_load_audio_stream_f al5audio

Loads an audio file from ALLEGRO_FILEptr stream as it is needed.

al_load_bitmap allegro5

Loads an image file into a new ALLEGRO_BITMAPptr.

al_load_bitmap_f allegro5

Loads an image from an ALLEGRO_FILEptr stream into a new ALLEGRO_BITMAPptr.

al_load_bitmap_flags allegro5

Loads an image file into a new ALLEGRO_BITMAPptr.

al_load_bitmap_flags_f allegro5

Loads an image from an ALLEGRO_FILEptr stream into a new ALLEGRO_BITMAPptr.

al_load_bitmap_font al5font

Load a bitmap font from a file.

al_load_bitmap_font_flags al5font

Like al_load_bitmap_font but additionally takes a flags parameter.

al_load_config_file allegro5

Reads a configuration file from disk.

al_load_config_file_f allegro5

Reads a configuration file from an already open file.

al_load_font al5font

Loads a font from disk.

al_load_sample al5audio

Loads a few different audio file formats based on their extension.

al_load_sample_f al5audio

Loads an audio file from an ALLEGRO_FILEptr tream into an ALLEGRO_SAMPLEptr.

al_load_ttf_font al5ttf

Loads a TrueType font from a file using the FreeType library.

al_load_ttf_font_f al5ttf

Like al_load_ttf_font, but the font is read from the file handle.

al_load_ttf_font_stretch al5ttf

Like al_load_ttf_font, except it takes separate width (w) and height (h) parameters instead of a single size parameter.

al_load_ttf_font_stretch_f al5ttf

Like al_load_ttf_font_stretch, but the font is read from the file handle.

al_lock_bitmap allegro5

Locks an entire bitmap for reading or writing.

al_lock_bitmap_blocked allegro5

Like al_lock_bitmap, but allows locking bitmaps with a blocked pixel format (i.e.

al_lock_bitmap_region allegro5

Like al_lock_bitmap, but only locks a specific area of the bitmap.

al_lock_bitmap_region_blocked allegro5

Like al_lock_bitmap_blocked, but allows locking a sub-region, for performance.

al_lock_index_buffer al5primitives

Locks an index buffer so you can access its data.

al_lock_sample_id al5audio

Locks a ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_ID, returning the underlying ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_INSTANCEptr.

al_lock_vertex_buffer al5primitives

Locks a vertex buffer so you can access its data.

al_malloc allegro5

Like GetMem, reserves n bytes memory on heap and returns a pointer to this memory.

al_malloc_with_context allegro5

This reserves memory for the Allegro library (this matters on Windows), unless overridden with al_set_memory_interface.

al_map_rgb allegro5

Converts r, g, b (ranging from 0-255) into an ALLEGRO_COLOR, using 255 for alpha.

al_map_rgba allegro5

Convert r, g, b, a (ranging from 0-255) into an ALLEGRO_COLOR.

al_map_rgba_f allegro5

Convert r, g, b, a (ranging from 0.0f-1.0f) into an ALLEGRO_COLOR.

al_map_rgb_f allegro5

Convert r, g, b (ranging from 0.0f-1.0f) into an ALLEGRO_COLOR, using 1.0f for alpha.

al_merge_config allegro5

Merges two configuration structures, and return the result as a new configuration.

al_merge_config_into allegro5

Merges one configuration structure into another.

al_mouse_button_down allegro5

Returns True if the mouse button specified was held down in the state specified.

al_open_memfile al5memfile

Returns a file handle to the block of memory.

al_open_video al5video

Reads a video file.

al_orthographic_transform allegro5

Combines the given transformation with an orthographic transformation which maps the screen rectangle to the given left/top and right/bottom coordinates.

al_pause_event_queue allegro5

Pauses or resumes accepting new events into the event queue (to resume, pass False for pause).

al_peek_next_event allegro5

Copies the contents of the next event in the event queue specified into ret_event and returns True.

al_perspective_transform allegro5

Like al_orthographic_transform but honors perspective.

al_play_sample al5audio

Plays a sample on one of the sample instances created by al_reserve_samples.

al_play_sample_instance al5audio

Plays the sample instance.

al_premul_rgba allegro5

This is a shortcut for al_map_rgba (r * a / 255, g * a / 255, b * a / 255, a).

al_premul_rgba_f allegro5

This is a shortcut for al_map_rgba (r * a, g * a, b * a, a).

al_put_blended_pixel allegro5

Like al_put_pixel, but the pixel color is blended using the current blenders before being drawn.

al_put_pixel allegro5

Draws a single pixel on the target bitmap.

al_realloc allegro5

Like ReAllocMem, resizes the memory pointed to by p so it has size n.

al_realloc_with_context allegro5

This reserves memory for the Allegro library (this matters on Windows), unless overridden with al_set_memory_interface.

al_reconfigure_joysticks allegro5

Allegro is able to cope with users connecting and disconnected joystick devices on-the-fly.

al_ref_buffer al5strings

Creates a string that references the storage of an underlying buffer.

al_ref_cstr al5strings

Creates a string that references the storage of a C-style string.

al_ref_ustr al5strings

Creates a read-only string that references the storage of another ALLEGRO_USTR string.

al_register_audio_stream_loader al5audio

Registers a handler for al_load_audio_stream.

al_register_audio_stream_loader_f al5audio

Registers a handler for al_load_audio_stream_f.

al_register_bitmap_identifier allegro5

Registers an identify handler for al_identify_bitmap.

al_register_bitmap_loader allegro5

Registers a handler for al_load_bitmap.

al_register_bitmap_loader_f allegro5

Registers a handler for al_load_bitmap_f.

al_register_bitmap_saver allegro5

Registers a handler for al_save_bitmap.

al_register_bitmap_saver_f allegro5

Registers a handler for al_save_bitmap_f.

al_register_event_source allegro5

Register the event source with the event queue specified.

al_register_sample_identifier al5audio

Registers an identify handler for al_identify_sample.

al_register_sample_loader al5audio

Registers a handler for al_load_sample.

al_register_sample_loader_f al5audio

Registers a handler for al_load_sample_f.

al_register_sample_saver al5audio

Registers a handler for al_save_sample.

al_register_sample_saver_f al5audio

Registers a handler for al_save_sample_f.

al_release_joystick allegro5

This procedure currently does nothing.

al_remove_config_key allegro5

Removes a key and its associated value in a section of a configuration.

al_remove_config_section allegro5

Removes a section of a configuration.

al_remove_opengl_fbo al5opengl

Explicitly frees an OpenGL FBO created for a bitmap, if it has one.

al_reparent_bitmap allegro5

For a sub-bitmap, changes the parent, position and size.

al_reserve_samples al5audio

Reserves a number of sample instances, attaching them to the default mixer.

al_reset_clipping_rectangle allegro5

Equivalent to calling al_set_clipping_rectangle (0, 0, w, h) where w and h are the width and height of the target bitmap respectively.

al_reset_new_display_options allegro5

This undoes any previous call to al_set_new_display_option on the calling thread.

al_resize_display allegro5

Resizes the display.

al_rest allegro5

Waits for the specified number of seconds.

al_restore_default_mixer al5audio

Restores Allegro's default mixer and attaches it to the default voice.

al_restore_memory_interface allegro5

Restores the default behavior of the memory management functions.

al_restore_state allegro5

Restores part of the state of the current thread from the given ALLEGRO_STATE object.

al_resume_timer allegro5

Resumes the timer specified.

al_rewind_audio_stream al5audio

Sets the streaming file playing position to the beginning.

al_rotate_transform allegro5

Applies a rotation to a transformation.

al_rotate_transform_3d allegro5

Combines the given transformation with a transformation which rotates coordinates around the given vector by the given angle in radians.

al_run_main allegro5

This function is useful in cases where you don't have a main function but want to run Allegro (mostly useful in a wrapper library).

al_save_bitmap allegro5

Saves an ALLEGRO_BITMAP to an image file.

al_save_bitmap_f allegro5

Saves an ALLEGRO_BITMAP to an ALLEGRO_FILE stream.

al_save_config_file allegro5

Writes out a configuration file to disk.

al_save_config_file_f allegro5

Writes out a configuration file to an already open file.

al_save_sample al5audio

Writes a sample into a file.

al_save_sample_f al5audio

Writes a sample into a ALLEGRO_FILEptr filestream.

al_scale_transform allegro5

Applies a scale to a transformation.

al_scale_transform_3D allegro5

Combines the given transformation with a transformation which scales coordinates by the given vector.

al_seek_audio_stream_secs al5audio

Sets the streaming file playing position to time.

al_seek_video al5video

Seeks to a different position in the video.

al_set_audio_stream_fragment al5audio

This function needs to be called for every successful call of al_get_audio_stream_fragment to indicate that the buffer (pointed to by val) is filled with new data.

al_set_audio_stream_gain al5audio

Sets the playback gain of the stream.

al_set_audio_stream_loop_secs al5audio

Sets the loop points for the stream in seconds.

al_set_audio_stream_pan al5audio

Sets the pan value on an audio stream.

al_set_audio_stream_playing al5audio

Changes whether the stream is playing.

al_set_audio_stream_playmode al5audio

Sets the playback mode of the stream.

al_set_audio_stream_speed al5audio

Sets the relative playback speed of the stream.

al_set_blender allegro5

Sets the function to use for blending for the current thread.

al_set_blend_color allegro5

Sets the color to use for blending when using the ALLEGRO_CONST_COLOR or ALLEGRO_INVERSE_CONST_COLOR blend functions.

al_set_clipboard_text allegro5

This function pastes the text given as an argument to the clipboard.

al_set_clipping_rectangle allegro5

Sets the region of the target bitmap or display that pixels get clipped to.

al_set_config_value allegro5

Sets a value in a section of a configuration.

al_set_current_opengl_context al5opengl

Make the OpenGL context associated with the given display current for the calling thread.

al_set_default_mixer al5audio

Sets the default mixer.

al_set_default_voice al5audio

You can call this before calling al_restore_default_mixer to provide the voice which should be used.

al_set_display_flag allegro5

Enables or disables one of the display flags.

al_set_display_icon allegro5

Changes the icon associated with the display (window).

al_set_display_icons allegro5

Changes the icons associated with the display (window).

al_set_display_option allegro5

Changes an option that was previously set for a display.

al_set_errno allegro5

Sets the error number for the calling thread.

al_set_event_source_data allegro5

Assigns the abstract user data to the event source.

al_set_fallback_font al5font

Sets a font which is used instead if a character is not present.

al_set_keyboard_leds allegro5

Overrides the state of the keyboard LED indicators.

al_set_memory_interface allegro5

Overrides the memory management functions with implementations of al_malloc_with_context, al_free_with_context, al_realloc_with_context and al_calloc_with_context.

al_set_mixer_frequency al5audio

Sets the mixer frequency (in Hz).

al_set_mixer_gain al5audio

Sets the mixer gain (amplification factor).

al_set_mixer_playing al5audio

Changes whether the mixer is playing.

al_set_mixer_postprocess_callback al5audio

Sets a post-processing filter function that's called after the attached streams have been mixed.

al_set_mixer_quality al5audio

Sets the mixer quality.

al_set_mouse_axis allegro5

Sets the given mouse axis to the given value.

al_set_mouse_cursor allegro5

Sets the given mouse cursor to be the current mouse cursor for the given display.

al_set_mouse_w allegro5

Sets the second mouse wheel position to the given value.

al_set_mouse_wheel_precision allegro5

Sets the precision of the mouse wheel (the z and w coordinates).

al_set_mouse_xy allegro5

Tryes to position the mouse at the given coordinates on the given display.

al_set_mouse_z allegro5

Sets the mouse wheel position to the given value.

al_set_new_bitmap_flags allegro5

Sets the flags to use for newly created bitmaps.

al_set_new_bitmap_format allegro5

Sets the pixel format for newly created bitmaps.

al_set_new_display_adapter allegro5

Sets the adapter to use for new displays created by the calling thread.

al_set_new_display_flags allegro5

Sets various flags to be used when creating new displays on the calling thread.

al_set_new_display_option allegro5

Sets an extra display option, to be used when creating new displays on the calling thread.

al_set_new_display_refresh_rate allegro5

Sets the refresh rate to use when creating new displays on the calling thread.

al_set_new_file_interface allegro5

Sets the ALLEGRO_FILE_INTERFACE table for the calling thread.

al_set_new_window_position allegro5

Sets where the top left pixel of the client area of newly created windows (non-fullscreen) will be on screen, for displays created by the calling thread.

al_set_new_window_title allegro5

Sets the title that will be used when a new display is created.

al_set_render_state allegro5

Sets one of several render attributes.

al_set_sample al5audio

Changes the sample data that a sample instance plays.

al_set_sample_instance_gain al5audio

Sets the playback gain of the sample instance.

al_set_sample_instance_length al5audio

Sets the length of the sample instance in sample values.

al_set_sample_instance_pan al5audio

Sets the pan value on a sample instance.

al_set_sample_instance_playing al5audio

Changes whether the sample instance is playing.

al_set_sample_instance_playmode al5audio

Sets the playback mode of the sample instance.

al_set_sample_instance_position al5audio

Sets the playback position of a sample instance.

al_set_sample_instance_speed al5audio

Sets the relative playback speed of the sample instance.

al_set_separate_blender allegro5

Like al_set_blender, but allows specifying a separate blending operation for the alpha channel.

al_set_shader_bool allegro5

Sets a boolean uniform of the current target bitmap's shader.

al_set_shader_float allegro5

Sets a float uniform of the current target bitmap's shader.

al_set_shader_float_vector allegro5

Same as al_set_shader_int_vector except all values are float instead of integer.

al_set_shader_int allegro5

Sets an integer uniform of the current target bitmap's shader.

al_set_shader_int_vector allegro5

Sets an integer vector array uniform of the current target bitmap's shader.

al_set_shader_matrix allegro5

Sets a matrix uniform of the current target bitmap's shader.

al_set_shader_sampler allegro5

Sets a texture sampler uniform and texture unit of the current target bitmap's shader.

al_set_standard_file_interface allegro5

Sets the ALLEGRO_FILE_INTERFACE table to the default, for the calling thread.

al_set_system_mouse_cursor allegro5

Sets the given system mouse cursor to be the current mouse cursor for the given display.

al_set_target_backbuffer allegro5

Same as al_set_target_bitmap(al_get_backbuffer(display));.

al_set_target_bitmap allegro5

This function selects the bitmap to which all subsequent drawing operations in the calling thread will draw to.

al_set_timer_count allegro5

Sets the timer's counter value.

al_set_timer_speed allegro5

Sets the timer's speed, i.e.

al_set_video_playing al5video

Paused or resumes playback.

al_set_voice_playing al5audio

Changes whether a voice is playing or not.

al_set_voice_position al5audio

Sets the voice position.

al_set_window_constraints allegro5

Constrains a non-fullscreen resizable display.

al_set_window_position allegro5

Sets the position on screen of a non-fullscreen display.

al_set_window_title allegro5

Sets the title on a display.

al_show_mouse_cursor allegro5

Makes a mouse cursor visible in the given display.

al_shutdown_font_addon al5font

Shuts down the font addon.

al_shutdown_image_addon al5image

Shuts down the image addon.

al_shutdown_primitives_addon al5primitives

Shut down the primitives addon.

al_shutdown_ttf_addon al5ttf

Unloads the TTF addon.

al_shutdown_video_addon al5video

Shuts down the video addon.

al_start_audio_recorder al5audio

Begin recording into the fragment buffer.

al_start_timer allegro5

Starts the timer specified.

al_start_video al5video

Starts streaming the video from the beginning.

al_start_video_with_voice al5video

Like al_start_video but audio is routed to the provided voice.

al_stop_audio_recorder al5audio

Stop capturing audio data.

al_stop_sample al5audio

Stops the sample started by al_play_sample.

al_stop_samples al5audio

Stops all samples started by al_play_sample.

al_stop_sample_instance al5audio

Stops an sample instance playing.

al_stop_timer allegro5

Stops the timer specified.

al_store_state allegro5

Stores part of the state of the current thread in the given ALLEGRO_STATE object.

al_string_to_str al5strings


al_string_to_str al5strings


al_string_to_str al5strings

Converts Pascal strings to AL_STR.

al_str_format al5strings

Formats a string with given arguments.

al_str_to_ansistring al5strings


al_str_to_ansistring al5strings

Converts AL_STR or AL_STRptr to an ANSISTRING.

al_str_to_shortstring al5strings


al_str_to_shortstring al5strings

Converts AL_STR or AL_STRptr to a Pascal string.

al_str_to_string al5strings

Converts AL_STR or AL_STRptr to a STRING.

al_str_to_string al5strings


al_str_to_unicodestring al5strings

Converts AL_STR or AL_STRptr to an UNICODESTRING.

al_str_to_unicodestring al5strings


al_transform_coordinates allegro5

Transforms a pair of coordinates.

al_transform_coordinates_3d allegro5

Transforms x, y, z coordinates.

al_transform_coordinates_3d_projective allegro5

Transforms x, y, z as homogeneous coordinates.

al_transform_coordinates_4d allegro5

Transforms x, y, z, w coordinates.

al_translate_transform allegro5

Applies a translation to a transformation.

al_translate_transform_3d allegro5

Combines the given transformation with a transformation which translates coordinates by the given vector.

al_transpose_transform allegro5

Transposes the matrix of the given transform.

al_triangulate_polygon al5primitives

Divides a simple polygon into triangles, with zero or more other simple polygons subtracted from it - the holes.

al_ungrab_mouse allegro5

Stop confining the mouse cursor to any display belonging to the program.

al_uninstall_audio al5audio

Uninstalls the audio subsystem.

al_uninstall_joystick allegro5

Uninstalls the active joystick driver.

al_uninstall_keyboard allegro5

Uninstalls the active keyboard driver, if any.

al_uninstall_mouse allegro5

Uninstalls the active mouse driver, if any.

al_uninstall_system allegro5

Closes down the Allegro system.

al_unlock_bitmap allegro5

Unlocks a previously locked bitmap or bitmap region.

al_unlock_index_buffer al5primitives

Unlocks a previously locked index buffer.

al_unlock_sample_id al5audio

Unlocks a ALLEGRO_SAMPLE_ID, allowing future calls to al_play_sample to reuse it if possible.

al_unlock_vertex_buffer al5primitives

Unlocks a previously locked vertex buffer.

al_unmap_rgb allegro5

Retrieves components of an ALLEGRO_COLOR, ignoring alpha.

al_unmap_rgba allegro5

Retrieves components of an ALLEGRO_COLOR.

al_unmap_rgba_f allegro5

Retrieves components of an ALLEGRO_COLOR.

al_unmap_rgb_f allegro5

Retrieves components of an ALLEGRO_COLOR, ignoring alpha.

al_unref_user_event allegro5

Decreases the reference count of a user-defined event.

al_unregister_event_source allegro5

Unregister an event source with an event queue.

al_update_display_region allegro5

Does the same as al_flip_display, but tries to update only the specified region.

al_use_projection_transform allegro5

Sets the projection transformation to be used for the the drawing operations on the target bitmap (each bitmap maintains its own projection transformation).

al_use_shader allegro5

Uses the shader for subsequent drawing operations on the current target bitmap.

al_use_transform allegro5

Sets the transformation to be used for the the drawing operations on the target bitmap (each bitmap maintains its own transformation).

al_ustr_assign al5strings

Overwrites the string us1 with another string us2.

al_ustr_assign_cstr al5strings

Overwrites the string us1 with the contents of the string s.

al_ustr_compare al5strings

This function compares us1 and us2 by code point values.

al_ustr_dup al5strings

Returns a duplicate copy of a string.

al_ustr_dup_substr al5strings

Returns a new copy of a string, containing its contents in the byte interval [start_pos, end_pos).

al_ustr_empty_string al5strings

Returns a pointer to a static empty string.

al_ustr_equal al5strings

Returns True if the two strings are equal.

al_ustr_free al5strings

Frees a previously allocated string.

al_ustr_insert_chr al5strings

Inserts a code point into us beginning at byte offset aPos.

al_ustr_length al5strings

Returns the number of code points in the string.

al_ustr_ncompare al5strings

This function compares us1 and us2 by code point values.

al_ustr_new al5strings

Creates a new string containing a copy of the C-style string s.

al_ustr_new_from_buffer al5strings

Creates a new string containing a copy of the buffer pointed to by s of the given size in bytes.

al_ustr_next al5strings

Finds the byte offset of the next code point in string, beginning at aPos.

al_ustr_offset al5strings

Returns the byte offset (from the start of the string) of the code point at the specified index in the string.

al_ustr_prev al5strings

Finds the byte offset of the previous code point in string, before aPos.

al_ustr_remove_chr al5strings

Removes the code point beginning at byte offset pos.

al_ustr_size al5strings

Returns the size of the string in bytes.

al_ustr_to_buffer al5strings

Writes the contents of the string into a pre-allocated buffer of the given size in bytes.

al_utf8_width al5strings

Returns the number of bytes that would be occupied by the specified code point when encoded in UTF-8.

al_vertical_shear_transform allegro5

Applies a vertical shear to the transform

al_wait_for_event allegro5

Waits until the event queue specified is non-empty.

al_wait_for_event_timed allegro5

Waits until the event queue specified is non-empty.

al_wait_for_event_until allegro5

Waits until the event queue specified is non-empty.

al_wait_for_vsync allegro5

Waits for the beginning of a vertical retrace.

_al_check_inverse allegro5


_al_join_thread allegro5


_al_load_bitmap_f allegro5


_al_load_bitmap_flags_f allegro5


_al_set_memory_interface_ allegro5


Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0. Generated on 2024-11-10 15:15:06.