Class Hierarchy
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Functions and Procedures
A special value for the pan property of sample instances and audio streams.
Release date for Allegro.pas as integer with digits: yyyymmdd.
Release year for Allegro.pas.
Sent after a user-specified number of samples have been recorded.
Sent when a stream is finished.
Sent when a stream fragment is ready to be filled in.
The close button of the window has been pressed.
This event is sent when a physical display is connected to the device Allegro runs on.
This event is sent when a physical display is disconnected from the device Allegro runs on.
The display (or a portion thereof) has become visible.
Generated when a lost device is restored to operating state.
When a display receives this event it should stop doing any drawing and then call al_acknowledge_drawing_halt immediately.
When using Direct3D, displays can enter a "lost" state.
Generated when the rotation or orientation of a display changes.
The window has been resized.
When a display receives this event, it may resume drawing again, and it must call al_acknowledge_drawing_resume immediately.
The window is the active one again.
The window is no longer active, that is the user might have clicked into another window or "tabbed" away.
A joystick axis value changed.
A joystick button was pressed.
A joystick button was released.
A joystick was plugged in or unplugged.
A character was typed on the keyboard, or a character was auto-repeated.
A keyboard key was pressed.
A keyboard key was released.
One or more mouse axis values changed.
A mouse button was pressed.
A mouse button was released.
The mouse cursor entered a window opened by the program.
The mouse cursor left the boundaries of a window opened by the program.
al_set_mouse_xy was called to move the mouse.
A timer counter incremented.
The touch input device registered a new touch.
A touch was cancelled.
A touch ended.
The position of a touch changed.
This event is sent when the video is finished.
This event is sent when it is time to show a new frame.
Alternative name for ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER.
Max size of window titles.
Allegro.pas version string.
Just to be sure that PI number is available.
Default storage value.
Seek relative to current file position.
Seek relative to end of file.
Seek relative to beginning of file.
Minor version of Allegro.
The tau number.
Major version of Allegro.
Packs Allegro's version number in a simple AL_INT number.
Defines the size of the transformation vertex cache for the software renderer.
Revision number of Allegro.
An error value returned by al_get_errno in some cases.
End of file.
This constant gives a ratio which can be used to convert a fixed point number in binary angle format to a fixed point number in radians.
This constant gives a ratio which can be used to convert a fixed point number in radians to a fixed point number in binary angle format.